Your Trusted Industrial Parts Supplier for Quality and Reliability
Leave a CommentYour Trusted Industrial Parts Supplier for Quality and Reliability: Caylor Industrial Sales, Inc. At Caylor Industrial Sales, we’re proud to be a trusted industrial parts supplier, providing reliable solutions for industries like water treatment, petrochemical, and food processing. We see our mission as one of service, focused on providing components that support operational goals and […]
Benefits of pipe insulation
Leave a CommentAnyone who lives in a cold climate knows the benefits of insulation in attics and walls. What many people might not know about is that pipe and blanket insulation is a beneficial addition to protect and improve piping and valve systems. Adding a layer of insulation to piping and valve assemblies prevents the detrimental problems […]
Tags: Bursted pipe, Condensation control, Damaged pipes, Insulation, Minimize heats loss in pipes, Pipe and blanket insulation, Pipe insulation, Piping and valve systems, Prevent pipes from freezing, Protect and improve piping and valve systems, Reduce pipe noise, Thermal and acoustic blanket insulation, Thermal and acoustic blanket insulation for pipes
Caylor industrial weaves safety into work culture
Leave a CommentNumbers tell a grim story. The National Bureau of Labor Statistics has come forth with information that sheds light on the dismal condition of safety at work in the United States. 13 people die on their jobs every day. These instances are steadily increasing. And 100% of these deaths are preventable. Generally, a single employee succumbs to […]
Tags: Chemical exposure safety, Conditions of work safety in the united states, Embed safety and safety best practices in work culture, Falls from heights and scaffoldings, Heavy machinery safety, Industrial platform safety, Ladder and handrail safety, National bureau of labor statistics, National safety month, Pipe and tube hanger safety, Prevent slips and falls in construction, Prevent slips and falls in industrial industries, Safety body harnesses
Recent construction growth recap
Leave a CommentHere at Caylor Industrial Sales, Inc., we’ve been in business for almost 37 years, supplying a wide range of valves, fittings, and pipe and tube hangers. Our services consist of custom machined parts, pipe hangers, pipe rollers, and roller supports styles. We also provide structural steel and metal alloys. So whether you’re an electrician, plumber, carpenter, roving […]
Tags: Custom machined parts, Dodge outlook report, Growth in the majority of construction sectors, Industrial hardware needs, Latest construction updates, Solutions to help you eliminate waste, Structural steel and metal alloys
Ensuring safety is a responsibility in all industries
Leave a CommentWe can’t say enough about safety. From employers to employees, safety is an issue that must always be a part of every project, every day. We all know that accidents can accidentally happen but they will happen less often if the proper equipment is used and proper safety procedures are followed.According to the U.S. Bureau […]
Tags: Ansi guidelines, Construction safety, Construction worker fatalities 2017, Construction worker safety, Fatal work injury statistics, Industrial construction safety and best practices, Nfpa codes and standards, Osha laws and regulations, Proper safety procedures industrial projects, Supplies from a qualified supplier, U.S. bureau of labor statistics, Using safety compliant products, Worker safety
The importance of mechanical & industrial contractors in the us economy 2017
Leave a CommentConstruction will always be the backbone of the US economy. Over 2016 investments in both residential and industrial construction projects have increased. As reshoring strikes a chord with manufacturers and the country is slowly released from the grip of the recession, both mechanical and industrial contractors will play a more important role than ever before […]
Tags: Construction and the u.s. economy, Contractor performance, Full-service industrial supplier, Increase in residential and industrial construction, Mechanical and industrial contractors, Mechanical contractors, Mechanical contractors association of america, Perpetuating the construction business boom, Poor sanitary systems and infrastructure, Reshoring, The importance of contractors, The recession, U.S. loss of potable water, Who are mechanical contractors & how do they contribute to the economy?
Caylor industrial is already paving the way through 2017
Leave a CommentBeing a full-scale industrial supplier of critical parts across all industries like valves, fittings, pipe and tube hangers, our team works day in and day out because business never sleeps. Shining as a leader in the field for over 35 years, Caylor Industrial Sales has not only met the need to adapt and upgrade according […]
Tags: Breakthroughs in aviation and telemedicine, Construction, Conventional and cnc capabilities, Corrosion resistant parts, Custom machining and distribution of brass, Custom machining and distribution of bronze, Custom machining and distribution of carbon steel, Custom machining and distribution of stainless steel, Demand of machined parts, Engineering, Fittings, Full-scale industrial supplier, Industrial supplier market trends, Latest components industry wide, Maintenance, Manipulate robotics, Metal machining, Pipes, Steady supply of industrial stock parts, Stronger ties with buyers, Tailored parts, Tube hangers, Valves
Water under the bridge: a final look at 2016
Leave a CommentHere we are at the close of another year. 2016 has been great for us – dedicated to serving our customers with the industrial supplies they need to be successful. So, in honor of tradition, let’s take a look back at the highlights of what happened over the past 12 months. We started the new […]
Tags: Biodegradable gloves, Caribou coolers and tumblers, Custom machining capabilities, Dalton georgia, Earth day, Improve the comfort levels of your contractors and workers, Industrial supplies, Industrial supplies to be successful, National manufacturing operations, Proper wastewater treatment, The growth of u.s. manufacturing, The importance of proper wastewater treatment, The recycling industry, Wastewater treatment
As a preferred industrial supplier caylor supports national manufacturing day this october
Leave a CommentCaylor has been redefining industrial supplies for almost 36 years now! A family owned operation that has ties with industries like maintenance, engineering, construction and general contracting Caylor stands for precision, finesses, unparalleled skills, attention to detail, just in time deliveries and the ability to machine parts to custom specifications in a fast and cost effective […]
Tags: Fittings, High quality alloys, Industrial supplies, Machine parts to custom specifications, Machining, Market-recognized distributor, National manufacturing day, Pipes, Skill gap, Valves
Do you know the carpet and flooring capital of the world?
Leave a CommentThere aren’t many places across the country that can boast about a strong community, a strong economy, and a strong sense of pride in their immediate area. Or, if they can, we haven’t heard from them! But in Dalton, we sure can! Our roots are here and as a company that supports the area’s industries we […]
Tags: Candlewick embroider, Carpets and rug, Catherine evans whitene, Construction project, Construction projects dalton g, Dalton gaeconomy reboun, Edward dalton whit, Evans manufacturing compan, Flooring option, Home prices and construction on the ris, Mohawk industrie, Renovation projects that were on hold during the recessio, Textile manufacturin, The carpet and flooring industr, The leading industrial supplier